Group of students taking selfie

ENgaging LAtino Communities for Education (ENLACE)

参与拉丁裔教育社区(ENLACE)直接增加了传统上代表性不足的学生的机会, preparing them for success in higher education. 通过加强现有的伙伴关系和在为西班牙裔服务的机构之间建立新的联盟, K-12 school districts, communities, and businesses, ENLACE建立了一个支持网络,致力于为服务不足的学生提供更多机会. 我们授权社区为社会正义、教育机会和全州公平而战.

您将通过ENLACE和Herencia Latina中心获得宝贵的资源, such as peer mentoring, academic support, and college and financial guidance. We'll also provide graduation assistance, opportunities to engage in cultural education programs and workshops, join student organizations, and receive leadership training. You'll also have access to internships, service learning projects, and community events, 这些都是我们致力于丰富您的教育之旅的一部分.

ENLACE Programs

ENLACE大使项目是一群才华横溢的学生,他们获得了宝贵的志愿者和领导经验,改变了社区. There are limited positions available. Every student must go through an application and selection process. 学生大使是根据领导能力选出的SJC在校学生, scholarship, 具有专业精神和促进教育和社区福祉的愿望. Ambassadors uphold the philosophy, 通过个人榜样和仆人式领导,实现ENLACE和太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的使命和目标. Ambassadors work together to enrich, 促进和促进西班牙裔/拉丁裔社区的教育和成功. 


  • 每学期必须注册6个或以上的学分,并且整个学期都必须注册
  • Must have and maintain 2.50 GPA or higher (GED 480)
  • Bilingual (Spanish/English) - Preferred
  • 实践和坚持专业精神,包括责任、可靠和准时
  • 真诚地希望代表SJC, ENLACE和Herencia Latina中心担任学生大使
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Reliable transportation – Preferred


  • 通过完成每学期至少3个强制性活动,提供ENLACE/Herencia Latina项目的服务学习时间
  • Collaborate with various departments on campus
  • 确定并参加专业/教育培训/会议/研讨会/研讨会
  • Attend an ambassador training at the beginning of each semester
  • 指导高中生,与家长一起工作,用西班牙语/英语进行演讲
  • Plan, design, and carryout programs and activities
  • 必须始终以专业的态度代表ENLACE/Herencia Latina中心和太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站
  • Meet with a mentor, 在规定的时间间隔指导或ENLACE员工,以确保您的学业和个人成功!
  • Maintain a minimum 2.50 GPA per semester.
  • Ability to lift and carry a minimum of 20 lbs.
  • 大使有责任通知ENLACE工作人员,如果他们不能参加预定的活动(在活动开始时间的24小时内). If missing an event, Ambassador must find replacement. 
  • 无理由缺席指定的活动或月度会议将导致您被终止学生大使计划,所有资金将退还给ENLACE
  • 如上所述,所有职责都需要获得津贴和其他计划奖励


  • Campus, regional and state recognition
  • Leadership training and development
  • 为简历积累经验,为推荐信积累机会
  • 接触各种区域和国家参与的机会和会议
  • Establish professional and personal contacts
  • 参加校园和ENLACE/Herencia Latina中心的有趣和令人兴奋的活动
  • Tuition Stipend per semester.

Selection Criteria

  • Sincere desire to represent ENLACE events and San Juan College
  • Enthusiasm to work with the Latino community
  • Comfortably in large groups and give presentations
  • Ability to work well with others
  • Responsibility and dependability
  • Desire to learn and develop skill sets described above

Application Procedure

  • Apply now!  Selection process will take place during each Fall Semester.

At the very heart of ENLACE New Mexico are our students and families. 它们构成了我们的愿景、激情、工作、核心价值观和未来的基础. ENLACE的家庭中心倡议是基于这样一个概念,即当有来自家庭的情感和学术支持时,通过将社会和文化融入他们的学术生活,学生的成绩就会提高.

“家长赋权”项目的参与者是拉美裔家长和学生,他们希望在高中阶段完成毕业和准备上大学的所有要求. 家长网络每月一次,从每个秋季学期开始,一直到学年结束. 在这个活动中,根据这个月的主题,我们会邀请不同的演讲嘉宾.

Abriendo Puertas(敞开的门)是一个10课时的课程,旨在促进入学准备, family well-being, and advocacy by addressing best practices in brain development, key aspects of early childhood development, early literacy, early math, positive use of technology, civic engagement, parent leadership, goal setting, and planning for family success.

Three students wearing red shirts

ENLACE Ambassador Application

The ENLACE Ambassador application in now available! Become a student leader while serving your community! 

ENLACE’s Mission and Vision


Is an education system that develops talent, builds leadership and transforms communities, schools that reflect New Mexico’s histories, 以及利用多样性培养新墨西哥州人力资本的教育工作者.

Program Goals

  • Create catalysts and models for systemic change in education
  • 加强高等教育与地方社区之间的伙伴关系,增加家长和社区的参与.
  • 消除阻碍学生在通往大学的过渡阶段取得成功的障碍.
  • 通过战略规划促进成功项目的扩展和可持续性, networking, leadership development, and policy engagement.
  • 通过信息和模型整合主要利益相关者,促进与所有服务不足学生的教育相关的政策和实践的变化.

ENLACE & Public Policy

我们的合伙人在新墨西哥州的每个参议院和众议员区生活和工作. The ENLACE collaborative is a diverse population of universities, community colleges, public school districts, businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, students, families and community members. 我们倡导的原则将我们、我们的合作伙伴和我们的社区团结在一起. ENLACE的利益相关者认为,通过与我们当选的官员合作, 我们可以推动政策,使我们能够为整个新墨西哥州的学生提供教育机会和支持.
ENLACE NM Directorship

Phone: (505) 566-3876

30th Street Education Center
3401 E. 30th St. 

M-F 8 a.m - 5 p.m